Rangoli is an
ancient ephemeral artform practiced throughout India. Designs are drawn onto
the ground, usually in chalk or colored powder and embellished with sand, rice,
candles or flower petals. Rangoli is an expression of the creative self, often
viewed as a form of self-portraiture. Designs are composed of geometric and
curvilinear patterns, usually derived from nature.
The origin of the
tradition of Rangoli can be traced back in Chitralakshana. The story behind
Rangoli goes like this. It is believed that the son of a King's highest priest
died and Lord Brahma asked him to draw a portrait of a boy who is a lookalike
of the deceased one. This was the initiating point of Rangoli tradition. For
Hindus and Buddhism, Rangoli is also a symbol of 'Maya', that is the mundane
As per Indian cultures and
traditions, the guest is a form of God himself as they say "Atithi Devo
Bhava". Rangolis serve for showing hospitality to the guests. As Diwali is
the time of inviting kith and kin, Rangoli is the best way to welcome them.
This is also the auspicious time of the year when Goddess Lakshmi is out to
visit every home. With Rangoli and Diyas, people welcome her too.Traditionally,
Rangolis are made with the holy items like rice, abir/ gulal, colorful sand,
aata, daal etc. Natural flowers are also added to accentuate it's elegance. Not
only colors but light too is included to highlight it. One can draw geometrical
figures, domestic symbols, religious icons etc with colors to make Rangoli. The
foot prints of Goddess Lakshmi is a must in Rangoli during the festival of
Diwali. It is believed that these foot prints would bear wealth and prosperity.Making
Rangoli is one of the vital activities on the eve of Diwali along with
performing puja rituals and bursting fore crackers. Specially, Kids and
womenfolk in the household love to indulge in it. It is a good idea to
celebrate the festival. So, while diyas and firecrackers brightens up the aura,
with Rangoli add colors of fun and happiness to the festival.
Rangoli is originated from two words Rang which means colors and
Holi which means celebration. So Rangoli is an artistic celebration of colors.
If some of you are science students then you may recall your early lessons in
physics that all colors originate from white light. That’s why prayers to light
or Sun god is one of the most important prayers you offer in your daily life in
Indian tradition. Sandhya-vandana (twilight zone prayer) was nothing but to
remind that all colors lead to just one color and that is white color.
Similarly beneath all emotions, thoughts, feelings, reactions – there is deep
stillness always available to you. That is the true nature of you. Light is a
mystic significance of cosmic stillness available to you beneath all colors of
Coming back Rangoli; it is nothing but spiritual distribution of colors. If you look back at the designs of the Rangoli then you can see most of them used to maintain Symmetry in their design. Which means left and right side of the Rangoli always used to look similar. It is same like yin and yang symbol, or swastika or Egyptian symbols where symmetry is important. Worldwide in all religions symmetric designs are symbol of prosperity, luck and growth. Interestingly most of this Rangoli designs used to be rounded edges unlike sharp edges. IN Indian temples in it’s center piece (garbha) always maintains symmetry. Quite a number of Rangoli designs were inspired by Shapes of flowers, coconut, Indian idols, nature etc. Temple designs at the periphery of temples across India significantly influence Rangoli border designs. Dots which can be extremely attentive creation are important part of Rangoli creation. that’s why Indians keep Tilak or dot on their forehead. Because it is also known as spot of Attention ( pituitary gland) .
Typically Rangoli is always drawn at the early sunrise by house
lady. In early tradition the leading lady or the mother of the house used to
lay Rangoli immediately after taking bath & prayer. Rangoli’s were drawn
first thing after taking bath, Over a period of time it just passed to any
young lady at home( mostly younger ones as the older ones got lazy! Rangoli
creators immediate physical make up was that of cleaning, fragrant, and
Rangoli had exactly similar science behind it for different reasons. While creating Rangoli, Ladies used to sing sacred mantras and used to believe that this will guard them from evil forces. While creating Rangoli intention energy behind this creation is of welfare of the family. When you create intention spot it is capable of changing you thoughts. That’s why temples, churches and mosques were created – to basically create energy centers which can aid your inner growth. Similarly -when you visit church or temple, or when you visit graveyard, or when you visit hospital – your feelings and emotions in each of the places are so different because of the pool of energy available to you in each of these places.
Whenever you enter a house with Rangoli, then colors would bring tranquility to you as early Rangoli’s only had colors from powders which were used in prayers. Turmeric, kumkum which were used in Rangoli drawings are used as decorating items to idols. These colors used to bring certain tranquility in you as they used remind you of temples.
The rounded designs of the Rangoli used to kind of bring down energy levels in you. Do a small experiment – keep a sharp pencil in front of your eyes close to middle of your eyes. Keep it as close as possible and stare at it without blinking, then you feel like your eyes are getting sucked. Try the same thing with rounded object and you will not feel the same. Energy always leaves shaper sides. It is not accidental that Meditators across the world use hand to bless, because your fingers are the energy dissipating centers. That’s why you touch someone on head with your hand because hands dissipate energy and at the same time head point absorbs energy. Irrespective of which religion you belong to this head and hand blessings are common. In reality this is energy transferring mechanisms.
Rangoli brings undivided attention. In other words the moment you pass thru Rangoli you are disconnected from the past and future. You are forced to remain in present. If you are entering a house then you feel good to enter a house and if you are leaving a house then come you out in a good mood.Rangoli is subtle art of influencing you to stillness. In marriages, Deity festivals, Religious celebrations, Rangoli plays very important role in India.
Rangoli is really not a mechanical or ornamental phenomenon. It is
science of creating energy pool. You need to go thru certain ritual of bath,
mantras, Intention to create a Rangoli. For old Brahmin ladies of south India
this is the most important ritual of their lives. In Mexico (Don Juan – Castaneda)
science drawing as attractive of energy centers are practiced intensively.
Across the world Tattoos on bodies have significant influence on bodies.
Rangoli is the origin of spirituality thru art in India. Much before Leonardo DaVinci’s of the world created magic with their symbols and drawings, Mystics in India left indelible mark in every home about art and spirituality. If you all have read recent blockbuster novel from Dan brown on Da vinici code then you realize the science behind symbols as well.